Aug 30Liked by dreary dendrophile

Wow, so heart wrenching and beautiful all at the same time. Thanks for sharing your experience and the pictures and videos. I waited to watch the videos until I had finished listening to your post, and I felt like I could see and hear the world you had already been explaining. A cool kind of echo, helping me sink more into the moment again while also sharing a little of your experience. Thank you for sharing and for your writing - the way you help us to ask the big questions in the midst of life and death and transformation. Not trying to sound dramatic. I really appreciate it.

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Thank you so much. This comment means the world to me. Thank you for taking the time, and for watching the videos.

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A little bit of additional reading if you're interested about how dead salmon contribute to ecosystems:

"While maturing at sea, salmon accumulate marine nutrients. When they return to freshwater to spawn they transfer that stored biomass to the stream habitat. The decomposing carcasses contribute food for the entire ecosystem." - Dead Salmon Bring Life to Rivers, Coowe Walker and Tammy Davis https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=97#:~:text=While%20maturing%20at%20sea%2C%20salmon,food%20for%20the%20entire%20ecosystem.

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Sep 6Liked by dreary dendrophile


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